Central San Wastewater Diversion's Temporary Demonstration Project
San Ramon, CA (August, 2021) - The San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Program (SRVRWP) is getting a temporary boost to their wastewater supply from Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San), a neighbor with whom their service area overlaps.
Located "up-hill" from the water recycling plant, Central San is diverting about 700,000 gallons a day of wastewater to the DERWA (Dublin San Ramon Services District, East Bay Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority) plant that is owned and operated by Dublin San Ramon Services District. The San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Program (SRVRWP) then turns this wastewater into irrigation water.
Yes, DERWA wants Central San's wastewater. It enables DERWA to recycle more wastewater into much needed irrigation water for landscaping in the San Ramon Valley, just in time for the drought.
The diversion is in response to maxed-out supply: On hot summer days, the DERWA Water Recycling Plant uses every drop of wastewater coming into the plant to recycle into irrigation water for school grounds, parks, golf courses, and roadway medians. Wastewater from Central San provides a temporary supply during consecutive hot summer days, so we can make more irrigation water when it is needed most.
The temporary diversion also enables DERWA to promote conservation of our limited supply of recycled water and to develop other sources.

In November 2014, the California Department of Water Resources announced an award of a $4 million grant to expand the SRVRWP. The expansion will bring recycled water for landscape irrigation to the Santa Rita Jail and Federal Correctional Institution in central Dublin areas west of Interstate 680 in Dublin, and additional parts of Bishop Ranch Business Park, central San Ramon, and Danville.
Construction of pipeline in the Bishop Ranch area of San Ramon is ongoing in 2016.